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Streamlining and automating the process of completing each specific task
Creation of category and service-wise teams helps for easy collaboration between the teams
I-pro is a new concept, which allows the user to request information from a client through a form, which can be received either from a mobile app/desktop link etc., anytime and from anywhere
Specially built status tracker, dedicated to tracking enormous tasks that belongs to a specific category, helps the user to track the exact status of each task by giving minute details
Vider is integrating with different communication channels like Freshdesk, WATI, and Msg 91 for different types of communication, helping both the clients as well as users to communicate, get notified and raise tickets. Thus, providing a hassle-free platform
In the case of manual generation of reports, users consume most of their productive time and results may or may not be that satisfying. Vider provides auto-generation of different varieties of reports (Automated, Scheduled & Customizable) which provide accurate data related to tasks, clients, users, revenue Et al., saving plenty of time and increasing efficiency