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How Bashetty & Joshi, Chartered Accountants Optimizes Workflow with ATOM.

Reliance on manual processes hindered Bashetty & Joshi's performance

Exploring options for collaborative workflow practice management software for chartered accountants

Indicator of how well something is working

Achieving consensus among the Team

The Ideal Solution for Bashetty & Joshi

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How Bashetty & Joshi, Chartered Accountants Optimizes Workflow with ATOM.

By Vider Research Team | Updated on:May 13th 2024 | 30 min read

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How Bashetty & Joshi, Chartered Accountants Optimizes Workflow with ATOM: A Case Study in Efficiency Streamlining the Modern CA Practice.

Providing exceptional client service is a core value and defining characteristic of Bashetty & Joshi, Chartered Accountants. However, efficiently managing a team of 100 employees serving a diverse clientele presents a significant administrative hurdle. To address this challenge, centralizing and organizing workflows became a top priority for the CA firm.

This is where CA Kushal Chandra, Partner at Bashetty & Joshi, Chartered Accountants, identified ATOM as the key to streamlining and automating their workflows. Kushal Chandra’s vision involved implementing a practice management solution to handle the administrative and management aspects, freeing up the Bashetty & Joshi, Chartered Accountants, and team to focus on delivering exceptional value to their clients.

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Reliance on manual processes hindered Bashetty & Joshi's performance

Similar to challenges faced by many CA firms, Bashetty & Joshi's manual work allocation process was creating bottlenecks. At the beginning of each month, managers relied on individual spreadsheets to track client work. This involved time-consuming tasks like:

  • Merging data from various sources.
  • Manually updating the status of each service.
  • Assigning tasks to specific team members.

These manual processes created bottlenecks. This meant maintaining and updating these spreadsheets proved to be a time-consuming burden for Bashetty & Joshi's management. The firm's size, coupled with the complex nature of their client work, resulted in delays as staff awaited task allocation from managers. Any hold-up at this stage had a domino effect throughout the entire team.

Further, each manager had their own customized spreadsheet, explains name a relevant person at Bashetty & Joshi, There was no uniformity, and it relied heavily on managers constantly updating the status, rather than team members themselves.

Recognizing the need for a more efficient solution, Bashetty & Joshi sought a tool to streamline their workflow and eliminate bottlenecks. This led them to explore ATOM, a system designed to manage work assignments and project statuses.

By leveraging ATOM's streamlined task creation functionalities and assignment features, Bashetty & Joshi has eliminated the need for manual reports. Managers can now streamline their processes by utilizing pre-defined templates and role-based assignments. This approach ensures clear communication of project requirements and efficient delegation of tasks directly to the relevant team members. By centralizing their workflow management system, Bashetty & Joshi's team has achieved an estimated time saving of 5 days per month.

Exploring options for collaborative workflow practice management software for chartered accountants

Bashetty & Joshi (B&J) initially explored generic workflow management software, hoping to streamline their processes. However, this one-size-fits-all approach proved inadequate. The software wasn't designed for the specific needs of CA firms, and BJ found themselves constantly adapting to its limitations. This hindered their goal of achieving greater efficiency.

Recognizing this need for a specialized solution, their team began searching for software tailored to the CA professionals. Their comprehensive list of requirements outlined the functionalities they needed.

By October 2022, their search ultimately led them to ATOM as a strong contender that met their criteria and a solution that promised to address their specific requirements.

Indicator of how well something is working

Given the substantial data migration involved, Bashetty & Joshi, a firm of considerable size, needed to ensure ATOM was the perfect fit. To achieve this, they embarked on a thorough six-month testing phase, meticulously exploring all of ATOM’s features with the guidance of the ATOM customer support team.

Mirroring a prototype approach, Bashetty & Joshi created a single team that operated entirely within ATOM’s ideal workflow. As Kushal Chandra explains,

"We built a complete proof of concept. We knew exactly how to structure a single team for optimal efficiency. Once everyone was confident with this model, we decided to proceed with the full data migration."

Features that are giving back valuable time:

  • Streamlined Client Management: ATOM's client management software for chartered accountants provides a centralized platform for managing client information, documents, and communication.
  • Improved Client Service:By streamlining internal processes, Bashetty & Joshi can dedicate more resources to client service. Faster turnaround times and improved communication demonstrate their commitment to client satisfaction.
  • Predefined List of Services:ATOM allows for the creation of a predefined list of services offered by Bashetty & Joshi, Chartered Accountants. This simplifies client on boarding, proposal generation, and billing.
  • Enhanced Task Management:Task management software for chartered accountants within ATOM ensures to automate repetitive tasks for clear visibility into project timelines, deadlines, and resource allocation, fostering improved collaboration and accountability.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: ATOM fosters seamless collaboration between team members. The platform provides a centralized hub for communication, document sharing, and project updates. This improved visibility ensures everyone is on the same page, leading to a more streamlined workflow.
  • Calendar to Track Work: ATOM's integrated calendar offers a clear view of upcoming deadlines, team schedules, and client meetings. This ensures everyone at Bashetty & Joshi, Chartered Accountants, is on the same page and that tasks are completed on time.
  • Daily Reminders & Notifications: ATOM keeps everyone accountable with automatic reminders and notifications. Team members are never left wondering about deadlines or what needs to be done next.
  • Audit Trail: ATOM maintains a comprehensive audit trail, providing a clear record of all activity within the platform. This ensures transparency and simplifies compliance processes for Bashetty & Joshi, Chartered Accountants.
  • Reports and Analytics: ATOM offers robust reporting and analytics tools. Bashetty & Joshi, Chartered Accountants, can gain valuable insights into team performance, client engagement, and overall firm efficiency.
  • Storage Integration: ATOM integrates seamlessly with popular cloud storage solutions, allowing for secure and centralized file management.
  • Seamless Billing: ATOM's billing software for ca firms streamlines the invoicing process, allowing for accurate and timely billing, while also simplifying client payment collection.

While acknowledging the extended testing period, CA Kushal Chandra emphasizes the positive experience. "We were meticulous testers throughout the six months, but ATOM's team was incredibly supportive throughout the process."

“ATOM’s commitment went beyond just closing a deal. They were invested in building a long-term partnership with Bashetty & Joshi. Their confidence in being the right solution gave us the peace of mind to move forward, knowing it would be a win-win situation.” - CA Kushal Chandra, Partner at Bashetty & Joshi

Achieving consensus among the Team

Since Bashetty & Joshi's team fully transitioned to ATOM, CA Kushal Chandra has observed a significant improvement in work oversight. 'We now have complete visibility into our workload,' he explains. 'ATOM offers a bird's-eye view of everything happening across the team, allowing us to pinpoint busy periods and identify potential bottlenecks.

Effectively managing resources with a large team and diverse clientele is a constant challenge. Thankfully, ATOM's 'Calendar' and ‘Task board’ features empower Bashetty & Joshi managers to visualize their team's workload with complete clarity. This transparency extends to team members as well, enabling them to prioritize tasks and collaborate more effectively.

The Ideal Solution for Bashetty & Joshi

Despite the efficiency gains from ATOM, Bashetty & Joshi understands that client interaction remains paramount. ATOM frees up valuable time previously spent on manual tasks like spreadsheet updates and document chasing. This allows the team to dedicate more resources to what truly matters – spending quality time with clients.

Bashetty & Joshi's successful adoption of ATOM exemplifies the power of CA office management software. ATOM has proven to be an invaluable tool, not only for improving operational efficiency but also for enhancing client service. This case study highlights ATOM's position as one of the best CA practice management software solutions available today.